Sunday, July 25, 2010

Does wearing a hat give you spots on your forehead if yes how can i wear a cap but not get spots on myforehead

loosen it up if you can, buy a larger hat , if it is washable wash it put it on when damp and let dry on your head ,it will leave a line when you first take it off, but that will go away in a few min. after that no problems . repeat every time you wear your cap.Does wearing a hat give you spots on your forehead if yes how can i wear a cap but not get spots on myforehead
if the hat is dirty it'll cause acne. wash the hat often and keep ur face clean. don't leave the hat on too long if you're sweatingDoes wearing a hat give you spots on your forehead if yes how can i wear a cap but not get spots on myforehead
yeh it can, it absorbs sweat and dirt which will glog your pores, plus if you wear hair products like gel, it can be spread all over your head, just loosen the cap and wash it regularly
don't put the hat on, It could help you see better anyway
I've never known of wearing a hat or cap to make spots on the forehead; unless it's a straw hat which lets the Sun come against the skin through the small holes between the straw.

If you do wear a straw hat, switch to something more solid. If you already have something solid and Still get spots there's a kind of cream women use called ';Fathe Cream'; rub some of that on your forehead ( or sunblock cream ) and that ought to help.
  • gloss
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