Monday, July 26, 2010

Tattoo is done peeling but is a little milky in some spots...?

well, um, i got a tattoo about 13 days ago, and its done peeling, but its a tad milky in some spots plus the fact that its a black tattoo, a lot of people go hey dude its normal it aint done healing yet just cause its done peeling, then some people say i might need a touch up, whats up??Tattoo is done peeling but is a little milky in some spots...?
Give it more time to heal and ensure you are keeping nice and clean. If after a month it still looks the same, go back to the place you had it done.

Good Luck.Tattoo is done peeling but is a little milky in some spots...?
dead skin will tend to linger over it for the next couple weeks, depending on what you put on it (especially if you use neosporin). A+D is the best. Eventually though, if it is thick black chances are there will be some spots needing touch up.
I have 4 tats myself and I have found that there are parts of the skin where the colour just doesnt go through properly. after it's healed, get it touched over again, if it's still milky, your going to have to live with it.
keep your lanolin on it till it has no scab left. then go back to your tattooist and get your work re lined and re coloured-------immediately' or all your work is gonna wind up marbelled, like mine.

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