Monday, July 26, 2010

How to get rid of the scars and red spots after pimples?

If its just discoloration, I'd recommend Erygel. It's prescription only. Eurythromicin in an alcohol gel base. I use it on blemishes when they form, as well as older red spots. After a few days.. gone. If you mean pitted scars.. I've had some small success with a 15% AHA cream on two chicken pox scars (I might have more if I bothered ot use it *Every night* on the two spots. :)How to get rid of the scars and red spots after pimples?
Nivea cream.How to get rid of the scars and red spots after pimples?
Don't scratch em' might be a good start!
cocoa butter
paint them
Try aloe vera gel. Buy it health food store (without any chemicals)

It works!! Even for sunburns.
some said that u can rub the inner side of the banana skin (oh my!i don't know what its called) on the scars..rinse afterward

try it for some day before u went to sleep

just suggesting..

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