Friday, July 23, 2010

Got any good tips that work for you to clear spots?

Tea tree oil is great in clearing acne and having a flawless face, it is also cheap and natural with no side effects鈥?/a>Got any good tips that work for you to clear spots?
People, and the internet, recommend a lot of things, such as:

- drinking water

- changing your diet to one that's healthier (out with the oil and greasy stuff and in with the fresh fruits and vegetables)

- changing your pillow case regularly, say every 2-3 days

- eating carrots/drinking carrot and cucumber juice (for the vitamin A)

- sleeping earlier

- stress less

Hope I've helped!Got any good tips that work for you to clear spots?
yes just use water and maybe a very mild face srub once a week, i dont use anything on my face and i always get told i look about 22 and im 34 i took this advice from my nana she said when you start using all different creams that when you get spots and age quicker she must be right.
if there was good tips, every teenager would be doing it

sorry the only thing to suggest is dont buy and creams or anything. they screw up your sking hp prob cause of any new spots

dont pick spots

wash daily

eat right

and you'll just have growout if sorry
Cleanse, tone and moisturise! and drink plenty of water.

I have suffered with spots since my teen and now I'm 24 I have finanlly found a routine that gets rid of them. I use Virgin Vie products and they work really well.

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