Sunday, July 25, 2010

Keep getting spots on my neck, any idea??

I keep getting spots all pver my neck but not to many on my face there horrible???Keep getting spots on my neck, any idea??
This may be caused by a sensitivity to your laundry detergent.

Also if the weather has been getting warmer, possibly perspiration, or direct contact with wool. I would suggest that you look into these first of all.

Please do not squeeze or try to burst the spots as you could be left with unsightly scars. Buy an anti acne preparation like Freederm and a skin wash for problem skin. Use these for about two weeks and then when the skin is on the mend, gently scrub skin using a washcloth or loofah. Change this each day. Drink plenty pure water and change shirts daily.

Good luck!Keep getting spots on my neck, any idea??
I had this for a while but I do take hormone pills.

the only thing you can do is not squeeze or touch and wash twice a day and apply a spot cream or savlon. Mine soon went after looking after myself a bit better.

belive me from experience there is NOTHING else you can do, its preventative action with spots. The ones there will just have to go on there own.

ps sounds really gross but is you have a real white head then you can pierce it with a sterilised sharp pin, then clean it out with cotton wool, they heal and disappear quicker.
I used to get those. My advice is don't touch them, and wash your neck with a mild soap at least once a day, maybe even twice if they're really bad. that tends to get rid of them after about two weeks or so.

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