It dries them out which can help get rid of them quicker but it is much better for your skin to use a product specifically for spots.Does toothpaste actually get rid of spots?
never use clearasil or what ever it is they make laods of money by the porduct it clears up your spots and when you stop using it they come back and so you buy more thats how they get money ! LOLDoes toothpaste actually get rid of spots?
yes.ask kate moss.
no. well not mine i tried it and didmt work for me
i think not, if you cover a spot you feel less irritated and when the toothpaste dries you think it has shrank, its more of a mental quick fix than a real one, try duac that does really work. hope this helps.
I have heard but never tried it always use vicks myself
yes it can BUT the constant use of it may affect your blood and skin after a while depending on your skin etc.
Be cautious!
no thats pure crap!!!
yeah, but if you're not careful, it'll burn your skin --cuz it's made of strong chemicals!
It doesnt get rid of them it jst takes out the redness and dries them up!! same with aftershave and get rid of the redness dab abit on the affected area and it should dry it up!!
yes it helps a lot. put it on before you go to bed and night and by morning..Gone!
Don't do it! I did it before, I don't have sensitive skin, but when I put toothpaste on a spot, all the skin near it went dry, and shiny ang weird and horrible.
Are you talking about pimples? If so yes it dries them up.
Only use it on the big ones, and only for a little while. Don't use it too often, and only when you can't get the better cures. Anything that dries out the skin can't be good for it.
It dries up acne....not very good for skin as it dries it up and gets it pretty should use like neutrogena or some other product instead of that..
ye I did it
just smear a small amount over the spots over night and it will work fine
learn from my mistake and don't put it on too often, it makes your skin go really dry and it starts to flare
just once a night is enough and it will clear eventually
also another way to clear them which I am at the moment is Omega 3 Fish Oils
they work a charm, once a day with a glass of milk and your skin will clear like a window..
nope -dries them up - i dnt reccomeend it - it can easily infect spots and if left on for too long can give you rashes and redness and soreness to the spot.
Nope. It just dries up the skin and can leave the area red and worse.
Well ask yourself, do I have zits in my mouth?
So yes it does.
if it did, no one would have them
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