Friday, July 23, 2010

What causes spots on your chin?

ive come up with two in the last week and i hardly ever get spots and i haven't changed my skin care in anyway... so was wondering if anyone knows what can cause them in this area?

thanks! xWhat causes spots on your chin?
the weather can affect your skin (sweat etc). Also it could be something to do with your menstrual cycle. Also skin contact, you could be touching your chin with your hands without realising, and we all know our hands are filthy. Hope this helps.What causes spots on your chin?
Sweat, Subum... Oil... Touching Ur Face!

Regualrly Wash! It Will Get Rid Of Them,

Try Using a Sayalcic Acid Scrub From Clearsill It Works :)

Spots on the chin are triggered by a hormone imbalance so you may be nearing your period.

Nix x
Hormones can cause them, especially around the chin. Clarins expert told me. Could be due to stress or tiredness etc
mab b due to oily skin
  • gloss
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