On my legs these spots have appeared (about 2 quarters long and wide.. they are distorted though, each one a differnt shape). they look like Bruises but do not hurt and have been there for several weeks. They are a green color and are at times more noticeable then other times. One leg has a more than the other..and none of them are on my thighs. What could this be??Bruise-Like Spots are appearing on my legs.. What is wrong??
umm...ive heard that bruises could be a sign of cancer-and it is true.
i would be 2 a doctor and get it checked out.Bruise-Like Spots are appearing on my legs.. What is wrong??
you should go to a doctor, just to be on the safe side
it might be something serious.
I'm not sure but the same thing is happening to me.
Sorry I can't help answer this one.
These are hematomas. You can get it before your period starts or right after your menstraul period. Perhaps you could have your blood examined in the hospital or by a qualified medical technologist or clinician. Ask for a CBC (complete blood count) or blood examination. Just to be sure that you do not have any blood abnormalities. -yunesa@yahoo.com
you could be anemic
well anemia is my first thought, do you feel tired a lot? Then there is also these spots that people that are hispanic or hispanic backgrounds that get these bruise like things just like what your describing. Are you hispanic mexican spanish or is anyone in your faimily have some or a little bit of that in there background? My daughter has a bruise like spot that is kind of greenish that gets dark and fades. she has had since she was born. My dad is half spanish and Im a quarter so she doesnt have much in her but she still has it. My sisters daughter has like 3 of them. I would go to the doctor just to have it checked out. But if you are feeling tired a lot or getting dizzy spells then its more likely that you are anemic and need to be on iron.
The safest way is to consult your doctor.
does it swell?if it does you might have the symptoms of cancer,dont worry yourself just consult your doctor immedietly!remember not to touch it if it swells and avoid to bump it on hard surfaces.
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