Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm black and I have these black spots on my face.?

I have these black spots on my face, no there not black heads or moles or freckles, and they've been on my face for as long as I could remember now. There flat you can see them if your like outside in the sun or 2 meters away from me. My parents says they'll just go away thats some bullshit I did research and I have to wait until I'm 40 years old before it starts to clear. Why would that long when I'm 16.I hate these things, it makes me look ugly. Please help me by telling me what can clear it up

PS suncream or aloe vera does not work I've tried itI'm black and I have these black spots on my face.?
Jeeze, I don't know. Why not see a dermatologist if it affects your self esteem?I'm black and I have these black spots on my face.?
I've seen a lot of black people with those spots and they don't look ugly. Maybe you're the only one who think they make you ugly.

If you think my answer is B.S. I have another one: go to a dermatologist and he will tell you what to do. Good luck!
Are you sure there not freckles.
It could be a birth mark
We are not qualified to help you here. Try deep meditation as you seek qualified medical advice. It may be something you have to live with.


Advise that you remove the word hate from your vocab as soon as possible.

Good luck , God bless.
Well, you did your research and found out you can't change it so I would suggest that you just accept them. You probably dont like them because not everyone has them but its things like that that make us beautiful. Learn to love yourself for who you because the more you point it out the ';bad'; to yourself, the more prominent it will SEEM like everyone is staring or whatever. We are all unique. Hope that helps. :)
shhhh richwhiteprincess is just around the corner, go to your dermy and ask him/her for medicine to clear the spots up.
sounds like the skin your in, try to conceal with foundation. Think of how worse of other people are and be happy with what you have!
First you should go see a good Doctor, and he or she will give you the best advise. Or you can go to a health food store and ask there advise. That a health food store not a GNC.

good luck.
Well last year after i came back from my vacation to punta cana with an incredible tan i started getting white bloches on my face so it looked like my face was really discoloured with like a really really nicee golden brown then white bloches. So i visited the walk in theropist and he said it might be fungus so he gave me cream to heal it and it heald slowly in about a month. So your best bet is to visit your doctor and ask!
I dated a black girl who had the same problem, and I know from experience precisely how to alleivate yourself of this. Though there is very little evidence available to support my claim, I assure you it will work amazingly well. The miracle-cure in this case is good old fashioned semen. No it does not need to be applied directly to the problem areas. You simply need to swallow a mans semen 2-3 times a week. (More than this is not harmful though) I believe it is the high levels of HGH (Human growth hormone) in a mans semen that has the healing properties. At any rate, its guaranteed to work wonders.
I've seen them should probably go see a dermatologist if they really bother you, because I have seen advertisements for discoloration at my dermatologist before.

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