Friday, August 20, 2010

What can you use for spots that pimples leave, or what to eat to clean out your system?

so if a pimple comes out it wont leave a spotWhat can you use for spots that pimples leave, or what to eat to clean out your system?
If you don't pick or pop the pimples, they shouldn't leave a mark. Burt's Bees blemish stick helps me, and it is all natural, so I don't have more chemicals on my skin. Using an exfoliating scrub twice a week might also help.What can you use for spots that pimples leave, or what to eat to clean out your system?
Pro Active and Activia
I used to have a hige acne probelm, to clear your face use clean an clear face wash then after rub some Curel lotion on your face and do that every morning and scars and pimples will start going away. make sure you do it every morning becuz your skin will need to be washed in the morning becuz the lotion will make your face greesy but as long as you wash it youll be fine. :) hope i could help.

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