Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to make brown spots fade?

Everytime I get a cut or scratch and it heals up I am left with a brown mark and it takes about a year to fade away. Am I the only one with this problem and if not how to I fade them awayHow to make brown spots fade?
TRY A BLEACHING CREAM.How to make brown spots fade?
Well I get those too and now that I am 50, I wished that I had never got out in the sun because they never go away. I would like to know how you get brown spots to fade too. I have them on my face.
I have those problems with scratches and deep cuts.

Clean out the cut once it happens. Use an anti-bacterial.

Use neosporin.

Talk to your doctor about treatments. There are treatments that can be prescribed to help lighten scars.
try cocco butter, it takes away dark marks and leaves your skin smooth, good luck
Bleaching cream with 2% hydroquinone should work.
first as soon as you get a scratch or cut...start putting milk and honey on it so it won't get dry and scab....i used to have that same perblem...mostly with a daily ointment use liquid vitamen E
A dermatologist can remove them with a laser. I had one removed from my face that I got from the sun.
  • eye liner
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